Brendan's sister, Christina, came home for a break in between school semesters. We had fun visiting with her and Hobbes made sure she got her fill of playing cars and trains.
We also visited my parents in
Tillamook. Hobbes had fun playing with
Tillamook Logs that my Dad created out of old cheese crates from the factory.
I also took advantage of some time way from work to do a little photo shoot with Desmond. I find it harder to take pictures of Desmond than it was with Hobbes. So here are some pictures of cute 6 month old Desmond:
After 75 pictures you would look like this too:
But he
cheered up right way once Mommy picked him up.
So funny reading your post about camping. I have to MAKE Kordel sleep inside because he prefers the outside. It's just how you're raised I guess. Love all the updates. Hope I can catch up on this stuff soon too!
Cute hair!
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