Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Brendan, Hobbes and I went to Utah with my Mom and Dad to drop Liz of at BYU. We had a lot of fun. I got to show Brendan some of the BYU campus, we ate at Café Río and he met lots of my extended family that he hadn't met before.

Here he is in the Bean Museum learning about the bear necessities from the experts. On second thought, maybe these 3 bears aren't experts since they were caught and stuffed.

I saw this hippo head and thought, "what would my sister Valerie do?" Hence the silly pose.

While in Utah we were privileged to be with Valerie as she went through the Temple for the first time to receive her endowment. It was a very special experience and we're glad we were there to share in the Spirit with her.

I love this picture. We stayed at my cousins house during the trip and one morning I woke up to find Mom and Dad huddled around the TV playing Wheel of Fortune. It was so funny. I'm glad I got a picture of it before they realized I was there.

Sorry to all my Utah friends reading this. It was a very short trip and we didn't have any spare time to visit. I did think of you though and wished we could have visited you.


Megan said...

Sounds like a fun trip! Glad you got to spend time with everyone and...eat Cafe Rio :)

Diana said...

I LOVE that they are playing Wheel of Fortune, that is hilarious! I hope to be just like them